I always wonder what humans are made for, why only we possess the greatest gifts to imagine and create things and then develop them into better versions, why we have the ability to speak innumerable languages and still coexist as one world, why we have the abilities to create and destroy things, people and our creations
And if we have them all together what does it makes us to the things we have created,
So if what did god created is a version of him & her?
Is it possible that we are the one who we are looking for?
In a world full of a billion species only human kind has the complexity to decode nature and its laws, to extract out the resources and to make great things out of them
To build civilizations and empires, and lead a world of technology, and think about the possibilities of time and its paradoxes,
And we wonder then, who are we, being the creator of our own world,
The stars are illusion and the sun gonna eat this galaxy, just as Wars eating up humanity, killing the voiceless for our lavish meals wiping forests for selfish needs, unimaginable cruel intentions of humankind is pushing the race to an unavoidable extinction,
Sooner or later the greatest creation of god will be vanished by its own action and greed, and with them will end the concept of God as well.
- By Kshitij Prasad Khairwar